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JudulDevelopment of assessment instruments to measure problem solving skills in senior high school
developed to measure students' problem solving skills, (2) describe the achievement of students’
problem solving skills in SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta. The research design used is modification
development research of Wilson models and Oriondo and Antonio models. The instrument
consisted of 16 essay item that had been validated by measurement experts and practitioners.
The sample consisted of 295 students in three high schools in Yogyakarta with high, low, and
medium grades. The polytomus data were analyzed according to the partial credit model (PCM)
1 PL by Quest and Parscale application. Research result show that: (1) the developed test
instrument in major of Work and Energy is qualified to measure students’ problem solving skills
because it is proven to be valid and reliable, (2) the problem solving skills of students in SMA
Negeri 6 Yogyakarta in major Work and Energy classified in high category with ranges of values
θ between -1.27 to 2.81 and mean 0.82.
Keywords: problem solving skill, assessment, instrument
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