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JudulMulticultural Representation in Javanese Textbooks: Local or Global?
DeskripsiMulticultural education in a global context is carried out worldwide, including in Indonesia. It is stated in the 2013 curriculum (K13). One of the means that represent multiculturalism is a textbook, as well as in Javanese textbooks used by high schools in Indonesia. In the curriculum, it reveals the importance of developing multicultural education to increase cultural knowledge of other nations. This knowledge is expected to be the first step in developing adaptability skills in communicating and collaborating in the global world. Furthermore, another goal is to build the attitudes and awareness in protecting our nature and world peace, through tolerance and mutual respect for the cultures of other nations. However, the most important goal of the 2013 curriculum (K13) has not been followed by comprehensive research on multicultural representation in Javanese textbooks used in Indonesia. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify whether these textbooks comprehensively represent foreign cultures. Therefore, foreign cultural representations are categorized into four aspects: products, practices, perspectives, and persons (Brody, 2003). As a result, it was found that the cultural representation tends to belong to Javanese culture, while the culture of other countries has not been represented in a balanced way. The selection and enrichment of cultural content in Javanese textbooks and their implications can solve the imbalance in the discussion of multicultural content.
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