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DeskripsiForeign language learning using integrated or communication methods has been widely practiced. Unlike the TPACK approach which elaborates on all the skills and competencies of teachers in their learning, there are still many who have not done it. The purpose of this study was to determine what factors have the most significant influence on teachers in preparing their teaching and learning process using TPACK and how the future planning process affects the quality of teachers based on mastery of ICT. This study uses research based teaching. There are 39 SMA that will be studied throughout Indonesia. The results showed that the application of German language learning using TP ACK still occurred misperceptions among the teaching teachers. This is due to the use of textbooks that are not the same and the internet network facilities that are used are also not uniform. In addition, there is an unbalanced mastery of the German language that is dominated by German language teachers in Indonesia. This is known from the results of the teacher competency test in the Teacher Professional Program at Yogyakarta State University. Not all use of the HOTS method in teaching is applied so that the learning outcomes of students are also very diverse. The students' achievement in learning German in almost the schools studied was not the same. This is what makes the teacher's concern because of the use of the same teaching language, the use of the same techniques and media, it turns out that the results produced are not the same. Therefore, teachers need to be continuously trained so that their skills and mastery of German are uniform. Likewise, the facilities owned by schools so that they are continuously connected to the internet network must be thoroughly improved so as not to cause imbalance in learning achievement between regions.
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