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JudulCorpus-Based Analysis: German Concordance, Collocations and Frequency in News about Covid- 9 in German Online Media
DeskripsiLinguistics is a branch of the humanities that studies language. Language as a communication tool has a very diverse function. The function of language is not only as a communication tool, but also as a social integration and adaptation tool. When adapting to a new social environment, everyone will choose the language used depending on the situation and conditions they face. In global online media, people must understand well according to the discourse that is becoming a trend. Therefore, a good understanding of the text, context, and context of global news becomes unavoidable. This corpus-based analysis examines various aspects of German concordance, collocation, and frequency in news about Covid- 9 in German online media. It is intended that the research results can be used to enrich learning materials for linguistics and German language skills in the Department of German Language Education in accordance with the global context. The source of the research data comes from German online media which contains Covid- 9 from the beginning of the 0 0 pandemic to mid 0 . The basis for consideration is that the corpus obtained can be global because it contains themes that are currently trending topics in media around the world. The research output for the Acceleration of Lecturer Functional Positions is a scientific article that will be published in a reputable international journal.
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