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JudulMotor Vehicle Ownership Growth Analysis in East Java Province with Robust Geographically Weighted regression MM Estimation
DeskripsiThe growth of motor vehicles ownership (GMVO) in each region is quite diverse, not least in the East Java Province. The variety of GMVO can be affected by local factors that are important to study so that vehicle growth can be adequately anticipated. This study aims to evaluate a robust, geographically weighted regression model with an MM estimator (RGWR MM estimator), which is considered suitable for analyzing the GMVO in East Java. The results showed that the RGWR MM estimator model generates a more accurate estimator of GMVO based on the IPM explanatory variables, road length, poverty gap, sex ratio, and the number of colleges that are accurate compared to other models formed. GMVO increased with income at a lower level and decreased with income at a higher level. In addition, there are significant differences in the influence of the five explanatory variables in each region. Districts/cities located near the capital of East Java Province tend to have many explanatory variables that have a significant effect compared to regencies/cities far from the provincial capital.
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