Detail Luaran Pemakalah
Judul Proposal Electronic Helm Safety Riding Berbasis Teknologi Internet of Medical Things untuk Mendeteksi Covid-19 bagi Penumpang Ojek
Tema Payung Penelitian Teknologi terapan
Nama Skim Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi
Tahun 2020

List Luaran Pemakalah Forum Ilmiah

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
1PublishedBilinear Interpolation Method on 8x8 Pixel Thermal Camera for Temperature Instrument of Combustion Engine2020
2PublishedMultiple Sensing Method Using Moving Average Filter for Automotive Ultrasonic Sensor 2020
3PublishedImpact Loading Performance Investigation of An Open-face Motorcycle Helmet with Hole in Inner Liner 2020