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JudulThe Experience of Students Brawl; An Explorative Study in Private HIgh School at Yogyakarta
JenisRekayasa Sosial
DeskripsiThe purpose of this study focused on two main targets, namely 1) to describe the experiences of brawl that had been experienced by students, and 2) to identify forms of violence experienced by students, both as victims and as perpetrators. This exploratory study involved 3 private schools in Yogyakarta with a total of 454 students. Data on the experience of violence was obtained from questionnare, while data on forms of violence were obtained through anecdotal record instruments from the schools involved. Based on the research conducted, 1) it is known that the number of cases documented and handled by the 5 schools is 16 cases that have been stretched since 2016- August 2018. The forms of violence that occur between students are divided into several types, from small scale to heavy scale. Some of them, namely the seizure of uniforms and goods, brawl plans, vandalism, provocation by throwing stones, and injuring others (slashing), 2) Students' perceptions of the existence of genk groups in schools are real. This conclusion was drawn based on the data of 57.93% of students from 454 respondents who stated that in their school there were genetically students who often involved brawls with students or genk groups from other schools, 3) Most students prefer peaceful and non-violent ways when faced with problems, even though they are in situations where violence is carried out by other parties first, and 4) Only a small percentage of students have experienced violence / brawls, both from their seniors and from groups of students from other schools.
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