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JudulImplementaion of character education model for engineering and technology towards sustainability: Integrating lessons learned from UTHM Malaysia and UNY Indonesia
DeskripsiDespite having knowledge and skills, noble values are important to indicate the quality graduate produces by higher education institution, especially for those future engineer and technologist. Knowing the current status on its success and implementation initiatives could provide a rich understanding which would be useful in improving character education in Malaysia and Indonesia, especially within higher education context. Last year (2019), a reseach conducted by the FPTV UTHM and FT UNY collaborative team resulted a Character Education Model. Today, the implementation of character education teaching model in the classroom setting is not possible (it conducted through internet) due to Covid-19. Therefore, the objective of this research are (1) finalized the model; (2) to have responses theoretically from lecturers of the two faculties above whether the Character Education Model is effective and feasible (practical and well timed) to intgrate character values in technical and vocational subject matters teaching.
This reseach will be conducted in both the institutions above. The research will be conducted in two steps. Fist step is to review the final-revised model of integrating character values in teaching resulted in the last year reserch. The review of the model will be conducted in FGD forum that consisted of the former last-year FGD members. The second step is to develope questionnaire to gauge FT UNY and FPTV UTHM lecturers wheather the model is effective and feasible (practical and timely manage). The sample of lecturers in two institutions (respondents) was ditermided by Hanry King Nomogram ( α = 0.05) and found 57 lecturers for FT UNY and ... lecturers for FPTV UTHM. The colledted will be analysed byc statistic analysis (mean, mode, and SD). The third step is to conduct deep interview to relevant lecturers and determided by quota tehnique. The quota refers to one lecture who teach theoriticl dan one lecturer who teaches practical courses for each study program block, therefore it came up with 8 lecturers for FT UNY (2 leacures x 4 study program blocks) and ... lecturers for FPTV UTHM. The collected data will be analyzed by descritive qualitative techniques.
The result of the study is hypotized that the Model are effective and feasible to integrate character values in technical and vocational subject matters teaching in both faculties.
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