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JudulRepresentation of Other Nations Cultures in German Textbooks
DeskripsiIndonesia has implemented multicultural education in a global context. It was the instruction from the 2013 Curriculum (K13). This global culture can also be referred to as the culture of foreign nations as represented in German textbooks. High schools in Indonesia utilized those books. This curriculum reveals the importance of developing multicultural education to increase the cultural knowledge of other nations. This knowledge is proposed to be the first step in developing adaptability skills in communicating and collaborating globally. Also, attitudes and awareness will grow in protecting nature and world peace through tolerance and mutual respect for the cultures of other nations. However, the main objectives mandated by K13 have not been accompanied by comprehensive research on the representation of foreign cultures in German textbooks in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether these textbooks comprehensively represent foreign cultures. Thus, the reference of foreign cultures in this study covers four aspects. They are products, practices, perspectives, and people. Overall, those aspects show that the culture tends to be German culture, otherwise German-speaking countries or other countries. Selection and enrichment of cultural content in German textbooks and their implications can correct the imbalance in the discussion of cultural content.
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