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DeskripsiInnovation in the implementation of socialization is needed to be able to improve the quality of the academic atmosphere so that academic activities can be optimally designed in accordance with the planning activities of the University Senate activities. The Senate in carrying out its main duties and functions has 5 (five) Commissions, including Commission A; Commission B, Commission C, Commission D, and Commission E. In its implementation, the duties and powers of the university senate that are mostly carried out are: (1) providing the implementation of lecturer performance appraisal policies; (2) giving consideration to the Chancellor in opening and closing study programs; and (3) giving consideration to the Chancellor in proposing professors. This causes the duties and powers of the other University Senate to be poorly understood by the academic community, so an activity is needed to socialize the duties and functions of the University Senate within the UNY academic community. Given the importance of the duties and functions of the university senate, it is necessary to socialize it with the academic community. Through this socialization activity, it is hoped that it will provide an understanding of the duties and functions of the University Senate and can subsequently reactivate the duties and powers of the University Senate as stated in the UNY statutes.
So far, what has been done in the commission is reviewing existing rules, responding to developments in existing regulations/issues, and seeing whether the current rules are still accommodating to the needs at UNY, then it is necessary to make new rules that are accommodative to be proposed to the Chancellor. . UNY has an Integrated Service Unit under the Chancellor which handles complaints regarding violations of the code of ethics, especially regarding crimes. There are two types of complaints, there are those who pick up the ball, there are those based on reports from the public, then they are followed up according to the level of the violation. Departing from the Ortaker and Statutes that all elements can carry out their duties as well as possible, it is better to make various rules that can be used as guidelines. There is no Senate accountability report at UNY. What is there is the Chancellor's report (annual report and accountability report) to the Senate. The Senate only documents every activity carried out so that it can be used as documentation for the learning of Senate members in the next period.
This is in line with the performance of the University Senate that it is necessary to ensure that all layers of the academic community are able to understand the duties and functions of the University Senate. Based on this, the socialization of the duties and functions of the university senate within the Yogyakarta State University academic community was carried out. The socialization activities were carried out online on Friday and Saturday 14-15 October 2022 and were attended by a number of lecturer representatives from their respective faculties. The content of the material that became socialization material was that the Senate had been proactive in every meeting. The Senate makes product regulations that accommodate existing developments, minimizing any collisions that might occur. The key to accreditation is the rules of the game, so the statute is made to be implemented. Regarding rule violations, the senate is more focused on academic-related ethical codes, because criminal offenses already have their own law.

Keywords: socialization, main function, senate

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